- EAR contains a web application.
- The EAR need to be deployed in three client environments e.g. Development, UAT and Production
- The different environments required filters in web.xml. But the URL of filters are different for different environment.
- So, before deployment, the web.xml of Development should be there in Web Application (WAR) and same applies before deployment in UAT and Production.
- Write an Ant Script to update the WAR file with respective web.xml and update the EAR with updated WAR File.
Ant Script:
ant -Dtar=apptar.tar -Dxml=PRO movwebx -f build.xml all
ant -f build.xml all
<project name="UPDATE_EAR" default="dist" basedir=".">
<property name="upd_ear.dir" value="upd_ear"/>
<target name="mkchdir">
<mkdir dir="upd_ear"/>
<target name="mov" depends="mkchdir">
<move file="${tar}" todir="${upd_ear.dir}"/>
<target name="tarxvf" depends="mov">
<echo>UN TAR ${tar} IN TMP FOLDER</echo>
<unjar src="${upd_ear.dir}/${tar}" dest="${upd_ear.dir}"/>
<target name="earxvf" depends="tarxvf">
<echo>UN JAR appear.ear IN TMP FOLDER</echo>
<unjar src="${upd_ear.dir}/appear.ear" dest="${upd_ear.dir}"/>
<target name="warxvf" depends="earxvf">
<echo>UN JAR appwar.war IN TMP FOLDER</echo>
<unwar src="${upd_ear.dir}/appwar.war" dest="${upd_ear.dir}"/>
<target name="movwebx" depends="warxvf">
<echo>MOVE web_${xml}.xml to web.xml</echo>
<move file="${upd_ear.dir}/WEB-INF/web_${xml}.xml" tofile="${upd_ear.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
<target name="updwar" depends="movwebx">
<echo>UPDATE web.xml of ${xml} IN appwar.war</echo>
<zip destfile="${upd_ear.dir}/appwar.war" update="true">
<fileset dir="${upd_ear.dir}">
<include name="WEB-INF/web.xml" />
<target name="updear" depends="updwar">
<echo>UPDATING appear.ear WITH appwar.war</echo>
<zip destfile="${upd_ear.dir}/appear.ear" update="true">
<fileset dir="${upd_ear.dir}">
<include name="appwar.war" />
<target name="movear" depends="updear">
<echo>MOVING EAR FILE</echo>
<move file="${upd_ear.dir}/appear.ear" todir="." />
<target name="movtar" depends="movear">
<echo>MOVING TAR FILE</echo>
<move file="${upd_ear.dir}/${tar}" todir="." />
<target name="delchdir" depends="movtar">
<delete dir="${upd_ear.dir}"/>
<target name="updateear" depends="delchdir"/>
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